" The Logo", "Logo(s)" and Corporate Identity

"The Logo" is the registered trademark of Zdraft.com.
"The Logo" may not be reproduced by any means or in any form whatsoever without written permission.
"The Logo" represents Zdraft.com thus reproduction without advanced written approval from an authorized representative of Zdraft.com will constitute a trademark infringement as recognized via the United States Trademark Counterfeiting Act of 1984 and the Canadian Trade-marks Act.
This Logo has been designed for the exclusive use of Zdraft.com
Zdraft.com® and Zdraft®
The words Zdraft®" are the registered trademark of Zdraft.com.
The "registered" mark ® must be included when using the words "Zdraft®" within any authorised use.
Of special notation the words “Zdraft” and “Zdraft®” may not be used in any form within, and not limited to the context of any Architectural, Engineering, Construction, Photography, Art or Design based discipline, business or other Commercially viable act or action if not licensed by an Authorized Representative of Zdraft.com®
Application for use of Trademark, Logo(s), and / or the words Zdraft® and / or Zdraft.com ®
You may apply to use the Logo(s) displayed within this document , and / or the words “Zdraft®” and / or the words “Zdraft.com®” , by contacting the Administrators of Zdraft.com® via email admin@zdraft.com
Please email exacting contact information and reasoning for the request, inclusive of all information that you may feel relevant in our use for the consideration of grant of permission for use.
A request or an application for the use of such Trademarked property does not constitute permission from the Administrators of Zdraft.com® – unless indicated in writing.